Define and determine nursing care for African American consumers for optimum quality of care by acting as their advocates.

Serve as the local nursing body to influence legislation and policies that affect African Americans, and work cooperatively and in collaboration with other health workers and organizations to this end.

Compile and maintain a nursing directory within the SEPA (Southeastern Pennsylvania Area) that serves to assist in the dissemination of information regarding African American nurses and nursing on the local and national levels.

Serve as consultants to nursing facilities and students in clinical and practical aspects of nursing.

Recruit, counsel, and assist African Americans interested in nursing to ensure a consistent procession in the field.

Promote cohesiveness, solidarity, and a sense of cultural pride among African American nurses of varied age groups and educational levels within the area.

Collaborate with minority health care providers and others to ensure the quality of care to minority consumers.

Provide the impetus for joint partnerships which will increase opportunities for professional growth of its members.